Saturday, 25 June 2011

Funny Hairstyle

Funny HairstyleThese hairstyles are amazing creative, cool, funny and of course super weird too! These are the amazing creations of Japanese hair artist Nagi Noda. Asian hair will look cool with animal hairstyles............... Funny Hairstyle ...............

Indian Bridal Collection

Indian Bridal CollectionEvery girls dreams of the day when she will be tied in a beautiful bond of marriage then she will start a new life ahead. And thus the day of wedding becomes the most important day of her life. And ofcourse on an important day she desires to look like a princess, a fairy. And this is where begins the planning for the right type of costume and jewellery for the bride. So we can’t imagine a Indian wedding with out bridal Dresses. ................ Indian Bridal Collection ................

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