Friday, 4 November 2011

Fake Tattoo Sleeves

Fake Tattoo Sleeves Fake tattoo sleeves are an alternative way of sporting "tattoo art" without going under the needle, so to speak. Considering the growing rate of intravenously (through needles) transmitted disease such as HIV, fake tattoo sleeves are a safe substitute. As with any substitution, compromise comes in the form of authenticity, limited designs, and in not having the total "feel" of an authentic tattoo. They are also a great way to 'practice'; to determine whether or not you are really serious about getting a real full-sleeve tattoo. If you're not sure, wear a fake tattoo sleeve for awhile and see what you think of its looks. $$$$$$...

Fake Tattoos

Fake Tattoos General tips to keep in mind when applying a fake tattoo: make sure the area of application is clean and dry; do not expose the area to any more water than necessary; avoid scrubbing the tattoo or covering it with rough fabrics; stay out of the pool, since chlorine will erode the design; and don’t apply lotion directly to the design. $$$$$$$ Fake Tattoos $$$$$$$ ...

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